110 W ann arbor Trail, plymouth, mi, 48170 734.453.1780
Please Fill your Banks Return to our Lodge
A Big "Thank You"
MMP Committee Report
The Michigan Major Project Committee would like to thank the following members and guests who have turned in MMP Banks to the committee from
4/1/2024 to 5/31/2024.
L. & T. Herberger,
S. Viso,
C. Dawson,
D. & S. Eisele (4),
M. Herberger (2),
T. Martin,
D. Fisher
J. Cumming,
J. Roose (2),
C. Harrison, Jr (2),
Bar (6).
This is a list of those who donated through Pink Banks. There were also a number of members who donated with their dues payments Thanks to those individuals as well
Deep thanks to all who donate to this worthy and wonderful cause.