
Members All

Happy New Year.

Busy time of the year. Membership cards are all set, dues notices have been sent out.

(Please make sure you pay your dues before April 1 st ). Getting ready for the year end

reports. Busy, Busy, Busy.

Now comes the hard part of this letter. I have decided not to run for the Secretary

position. I have had the honor and privilege of being your secretary for the past 12 years

and I think it is time to move on.

I would like to thank all of you for a great time. I would like to also thank all the ER’s I

have served under; PER Ken Hines, PER Doug McAlister, PER Doug Hincker, PER

Bruce Stark, PER Charlie Dawson and PER Marc Godman. You guys have made this

position a very special time in my life. I would also like to thank past Secretary, Stew

Israil for nominating me 12 years ago. Without your encouragement I would never had

the past 12 years of frustration, tears, meeting some amazing people, fun and fulfilling


Now this does not mean I am leaving Plymouth-Ann Arbor #325, I am hoping to

continue my dedication to the Elks, volunteering more often, joining in on the many

activities we have and just enjoying my fellow Elks.

Love you all

See you in the Lodge

Heather Lee Matheson

Lodge Secretary