PA² Board of Directors News
Summer will be in full swing by the time you receive this June/July newsletter. The Trustees have been informed of the resignation of Dale Sirkle, so we will be looking for a replacement. I would personally like to thank Dale for his ser-vice. He was instrumental in getting the Mason’s Lodge for our meetings so that we could continue to hold our meetings and conduct lodge business while we were in limbo.
June 1st- Our Grand Opening – I am writing prior to this date but I want to thank EVERYONE who has a hand in getting us to this point. Many of you also had more than just a hand in this-I want you to know you are appreciated. We should be happy that we have gotten to this point BUT let’s keep climbing and not make this a plateau.
The lodge is now working with “constant contact” to send out email blasts about upcoming events and activities. – if you are not receiving these email blasts, let us know at (put email blasts in the subject line to help us get to these ASAP).
I realize everyone has a very busy summer planned but try and put a visit or two to your lodge on your itinerary. One stop might be on June 16th for Fa-ther’s Day and Flag Day combined event. Hopefully we will also be having a flag retirement ceremony as well.
Keep filling the penny banks and bags of cans for our charities.
Patrick Howard PER, BOD Chair
Feb. 2024
Hello everyone,
Well, the lodge is humming, and we can get the rest of the lodge completed soon. The membership is growing, the lodge is well-accepted in the community, and fun things are happening there.
To improve profit and loss, we need the members' support to come to the events that have had hours of preparation for you, our members, to enjoy and also for the lodge to prosper from!!!
For the new Officers, please be the leaders, be seen often at the lodge events, and always lead by example!
Make Plymouth-Ann Arbor the best it can be.
This is my last newsletter article as the outgoing COB. Please help support the officers in the lodge; it is always a significant undertaking and a definite volunteer position, and it takes a considerable amount of their time!!!!!!!!
Ken Hines
April 2022
Hello Members,
Well as dealing with any government entities, Wayne County has caused us to have a topographical survey to discover our underground detention at the property. This has added an additional 8 weeks to the timeline. We are slowly checking the boxes to get us closer to the quote process. That has been completed along with the land-scape design. Joe our architect is finalizing the site plans for approval. We hope to deliver the site plans to the city for approval with the next week and a half.
When we get this approval, bids will go out and the pro-ject will take off. Check out the updates on the website at I would like to say welcome to our new members on the building committee, Dave Fisher, and Geno Grabinski, they have been a great help moving the project forward the best we can.
The House Committee is meeting now to develop the new direction at the new lodge. Some of these topics are how we will fit in with the City of Plymouth, needs at the new lodge, token programs and all the new directions our lodge needs to be a vital part of our new home. We will also be looking at becoming a member of the Plym-outh Chamber and The Old Village Team as things move forward.
The Board of Directors are just getting back together as new bills are starting to show up at the new property. It will be important for all to get up to speed as the con-struction starts to move at a fever pace. We will have to keep our fingers on the “cost to budget” and make those decisions necessary to make sure we stay on track.
I want to thank Bruce Stark for taking on the newsletter, communication is so important. Thanks Bruce!
It is going to be an exciting year at Plymouth-Ann Arbor 325, there will be plenty for all to do!!!! Come join us and be part of the excitement.
Remember to visit the website at for up-dates as the are available, meeting places, times, and lo-cations.
Ken Hines, Chairman of the Board
Hello Everyone,
Just a quick update on the building progress.
We are in the site development process. Our architect is developing the site plan to present to the city for a change of use approval.
He was able to retrieve plans that were available from the city and save use the cost of a survey of the property. A $2800 save and every penny counts.
Once the approval of the city has been obtained, the designs and bidding can start.
House and Trustees meeting will resume on a regular basis to start determining the direction of our lodge.
This is a very exciting time for all of us here at Plymouth-Ann Arbor 325!!!!
Ken Hines, COB
Plymouth - Ann Arbor Special Vote Meeting
January 13th, 2021 - 7pm